mervyn tan

full-stack developer

Ready Up; Meet Up - RUMU

Ready Up; Meet Up (RUMU) was a group project done during the Web Development Immersive at General Assembly Singapore. My fellow group members were LJ and Chris, 2 extremely talented individuals with whom I had the opportunity to work together with.

The concept behind RUMU was basically that we wanted to find a common meeting place for groups that were located equidistant from all group members.

We worked with the Google Maps API in order to enable this, and also leveraged on Google Maps to suggest places to meet once we have triangulated the central location. We also implemented real-time tracking and updating of travel time for each group member to get to the meeting location.

Our key learning points from this project were about collaborative creation in a group environment, resolving merge conflicts, as well as working with Google APIs.

Tools & Technologies The tech stack I was involved with.

  • Ruby On Rails
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku